Xnmcv (pure-hearted)Soul-accelerated processing.

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My new YT community post has like some brief info on me recently reading a Shanti Phula article from around 1.15.23 with like the correction that "Miwa-himemiko" (aka Amiwa-mikoto) is actually female... the same gender I previously assumed! She's Amiwa-himemiko from what I could tell from the text (when translated into English) "Milky Way Galaxy's Central Sun (Goddess)", and I'm saying this in a time when anime AI art image generators have become big since mid-late-2022. I've been to huggingface.co and experienced some of their machine learning "spaces" with this anime-themed text2image thing and certainly I will make new images with it to celebrate this realization*. You could tell here that I was (and probably still am) confused and ignorant of what's going on. Also I added the link to a page from webm.red of my Xnmcv uploads for more access, including a new Crash Bandicoot meme and a mirror of the video for the FM remix of themicrosoftsound.wav. By the way, I've been thinking about making a webchurch (some "digital church" thing which is a website or a webpage or series of webpages imitating what happens in churches), and I'm reading bible stories; I asked my parents about the idea and they said it's good. It's gonna be of lightweight HTML code like this neocitiesXnmcv site has been already, and I imagine some ASCII will be there too. It will happen eventually...
Minutes later, I just updated this Xn blog entry here to strike out what I realized to be nonsense, the whole Amiwa=female thing. Amiwa-sama is actually male, so he's Amiwa-mikoto (M-mikoto), not Amiwa-himemiko (M-himemiko, even though M-himemiko was my first named identification of this Amiwa-sama person in particular). ~see this newer community post from me for some more info~ Also, as I edit this entry repeatedly over these minutes, I add in the text "(pure-hearted)" to "Soul-accelerated processing.".
*note: "I will make new images with it to celebrate this realization" is confusion, as these revelations mean that I don't need to do that since I already did images of both Amiwa=female and Amiwa=male like millions of times already over the past few months or so. The Phula article's translated text "Milky Way Galaxy's Central Sun (Goddess)" is real as of 4.6.23 due to Google Translate errors, glitches, and bugs.


xnmcv.neocities.org has just reached over 5,000 views! Thanks yo for it! Also, see https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxfPTEVww2NImk4fFrJmfiP0l9gzvtaCG5 and https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxr8R33vCO1S9-rSBQCquPcqWBFJhW-0xr for the truth about "Miwa-himemiko"... spoiler alert lol, Miwa-himemiko is actually Amiwa-mikoto! You'll have to read the two posts anyway for more info.


xnmcv.neocities.org has just reached 4,400 views! Thanks yo for it! xnmcvNeocities started out with 3 tags: File, Software, Electronic. It was getting a couple thousand views per year until in late 2022 I added 2 tags: Html, Code. Perhaps now it reached more than 4,000 views lately because of that. Also it reached over 4,900 hits too; it's gettin' fasta! Soon it will be like, around 5,000, then probably 10,000, later 20,000 before we reach 40,400...


Changed the nicknames "M-himemiko" and "K-himemiko" to "Miwa-himemiko" and "Kopi-himemiko" respectively, after I just read this new message from Shanti Phula's Masotoshi Takeshita about some Sahasrara Chakra stuff improving on December 22, 2022 noontime (English version on the shantiphula-intl /Shanti Phula's Blog site). Certainly the message is related to the two himemikos refining their spiritual light techniques for some full-light thing to happen on January 15-19, 2023. They're gonna be more popular by then, so I have done the nickname-change this recently. I decided to settle with something more in line with their themes, "Miwa" for Milky Way and "Kopi" for Pi Puppis being the universe's central sun, each of their first syllables rhymes with miko; this is more distinctly recognizable than before as we are more certain that this is the real deal, whereas "M" and "K" could be abbreviations of anyone else. I will make unofficial images of these two individuals sometime.
12.31.22update: Just made the unofficial images, and I noticed that the name "Miwa" was already heavily used by someone else, so I changed the name to "Amiwa", rhyming with the Commodore Amiga computer name. This results in "Amiwa-himemiko", clearing up the confusion.
1.1.23 note: The unofficial images that got published in this YT community post from me were made with the Stable Diffusion 2.1 text-to-image application, so there's a lot of variance in this collection of those .jpg images. Out of the many that went unpublished, I selected two of them because they were particularly interesting in my view in that it's a very properly legitimate version of the two himemiko-samas. The image with text seen in the community post is a .png file made with the GIMP image editor software program, with Xilla Pro Italic being the font used there.


On this day, I've released some "Disco Diffusion settings" text files, some of 'em being made for yet-to-be-published videos. Disco Diffusion is a complex computer vision software/machine learning model/AI art tool that's available for use in the form of a Google Colab notebook. It's also been implemented into a Kaggle.com notebook, as well as a replicate.com model; however, the latter website has lately made all its models require a GitHub account to do a model run. These plain .txt documents are released to the public for people to know real deep into how I make my #discodiffusion videos. They are: Dynamict(0)_settings.txt, frame100prompts!t(0)_settings.txt, t(00)_settings.txt, awt(-1)_settings.txt, racing street, lowpoly vdo t(0)_settings.txt, t(-1)_settings.txt, 119t(0)_settings-2.txt, 128t(0)_settings.txt, wwwfpt(0)_settings.txt, Mannequin!t(0)_settings.txt, and 3dfxt(0)_settings.txt.


Recently (today) I posted some fonts I made with Glyphr back on June 7-11, 2022. They are: xnmcocrb.otf/.svg ~Xnmcv OCR-B 6.7.22~, xnmocrb2.otf/.svg ~Xnmcv OCR-B2 6.9.22~, xcourie2.otf/.svg ~Xnmcv Courier 2 6.11.22~, and xthnsrfk.otf/.svg ~Xnmcv Thin Serif-K 6.11.22~, the last of which is a minor edit of xThinSerif (Xnmcv Thin Serif) that changes the uppercase letter K. Meanwhile, Courier 2 is another edit of ZX Courier, whereas Xnmcv OCR-B & Xnmcv OCR-B2 are remixes of ZX OCR-B. I will make an edit of ZX ORC-A when I feel like it.

6.3.22 (xnmcvHttp-related)

Are you wondering why I no longer include the exact url link to the xnmcvHttp website on my YouTube channel? This change has happened because the site's associated IP address is changing frequently, which means that visitors can't access it longer without knowing what address it is currently. If you click on the xnmcvHttp link, look closely at the url and you'll see that it includes the text "insertrandomnumberhere", which tells you to input a number (random, because the number in question keeps on morphing into different ones) in place of the text to find access to the site. "insertrandomnumberhere" was supposed to read "insertRandomNumberHere" (because that's what I typed) but due to the url's constraints it's all lowercase.


Yet another font made by me! It's xThinSerif, a mod of Thin Serif from Damien Guard's ZX Origins font series. It's designed with the Glyphr Studio and now available in .otf and .svg formats. By the time I posted this new typeface here xnmcvNeocities (this site) has just reached 2,000 pageviews!


Another font! I just made a new font named Xnmcv SEMI, a modified version of ZX SEMI from Damien Guard's ZX Origins font series. It was designed with the Glyphr Studio online typeface editor like Xnmcv Courier. It is available in .otf and .svg formats, also like that font.
Update: Now not only this "xnmcsemi" typeface but also the "xcourier" one have new variants. The former has "-200height"(.otf,.svg), the latter has "-150height"(.otf,.svg), and both have "-100height"(xsmi-100.otf,xsmi-100.svg,xcrr-100.otf,xcrr-100.svg).


This time, after not editing this neocities site for 5 months, I have just mirrored the xnmcvWebsite (which I self-host with the hiawatha webserver*) over here, simply because I felt the need to improve the quality of my neocities website, and also because I wanted a secure "https" way of accessing whatever happens in xnmcvWebsite, because I'm not sure if accessing there via https can work. Some details are added to here that may or may not be carried over to my self-hosted site. I am also now putting up the "xcourier.otf" and "xcourier.svg" files here for more spread and reach to those who haven't been to the self-hosted site before. I can't wait for more fun oppurtunities to have with this future, lol. For whatever happened in 2021, I made a new webpage named "index_0", where the old index design goes to after it's replaced by this new one.
*5.22.22note: In the 7.3.22 entry's 5.22.22 note I call xnmcvWebsite "xnmcvHiawatha". In my xnmcv YouTube channel's About tab since 5.22.22 I call it "xnmcvHttp". Speaking of such About page, it says I now have 16 subscribers and more than 5,900 channel views! Wondering if a 17th subscriber or more is gonna happen after I type this...


Today I made and released a new font named Xnmcv Courier, a modified version of ZX Courier from Damien Guard's ZX Origins font series. It was designed with the Glyphr Studio online typeface editor. Xnmcv Courier is available in .otf and .svg formats.

3.21.22 (xnmcvWebsite-related)

I fixed parts of this page on my intel i7-6700k desktop computer and was also editing it for improving its quality, and then I fully fixed and polished the webpage's code with my laptop, purely finalizing it for general public consumption and enjoyed it very well.
On a note, on 1.31.22, I finally installed xubuntu linux 21.10 on my adforementioned intel i7-6700k computer (made from iBuyPower) and changed to a newer card. I was in desire for a more strong card because I was falling out of fashion with modern graphics, but I wanted the card to be easy to buy like cheap as less than $400. I had a hard time deciding, but I ended up choosing to go for a controversial card; "controversial", because many gamers and crypto-miners despise it for its less-than-great performance and quality. I didn't choose this because of the controversy, but actually because I felt the need for an optimized card for the recent computing environment. PC gamers and cryptocurrency miners never want it, but I'm a power user (one of them who didn't require an overwhelming card for a healthy personal computer/PC), so I chose...
The AMD Radeon rx6500xt; I agreed with my dad that he would buy the ASRockPhantomGaming version of it on eBay, and he bought it which resulted it arriving into my home on 1.24.22, then my mom opened the mail package containing the card box on 1.30.22, and on 1.31.22 me and my father replaced my previous card with the rx6500xt. This card is not as bad as several internet denizens wanted you to believe; while it is badly reminiscent of OEM cards, it's still quite impressive that it performs real well with one 64-bit memory bus. Plus, it has 4gb of vram, which is decent, but an 8gb version of it would've made people less upset about the card. It's perhaps the first budget hardware ray-tracing card, if not counting the mobile/laptop gpu nVidia geForce rtx3050ti from 2021 as such.
Speaking of nVidia, my previous one, the nVidia geForce gtx960, had half the RAM (2gb) and a 128-bit memory bus, and was high in design standards when it was released in 2015. However, newer cards ended up outpacing by a dozen, and while the card is still not terrible in my opinion, I thought a more modern card had to replace it someday. To me, the 6500xt was the optimal choice because it produced double the frame rate of my gtx960, and when it was released it was the fastest-clocked video card with less than 3gHz. Neither the 960 and the 6500xt were the most powerful cards upon their respective releases, since more extreme products including the gtxTitanX and the rtx3090 exist at around the same times, but while the 960 was well-received for being a nice mainstream card, the 6500xt was widely panned for being sub-par in contrast to stuff such as a 2016 Radeon card, the rx480, which had a 8gb version available. But to be fair, despite the negative reception of the 6500xt being overblown, I find the card to be tolerable considering my situation, it's something I tolerate with care. Those who were critical of nVidia and AMD for allowing their cards to be scalped will like intel's Arc cards, as they will be generally priced less than what the other two graphics product companies offer.
3.22.22 note: Typos of the word "Radeon" as "Raedon" and "Raedeon" are fixed.

3.20.22 (this applies to the website I host using "hiawatha" webserver)

I modded this page into an actual "Xnmcv" thing.* Now do I think should I need to update this Hiawatha tech. Oh, I used xnmcv.neocities.org prior to March '22, but I thought I (already) can do a real website here, so I edited this index page on such a month, then something funny happened... I realized that I wasn't aware until now that Hiawatha updated to version11.1 on December '21! I will still continue to use v10.12 though because the macOS version of v11.1 apparently isn't a "Universal 2 app"; that's the kind of type of program which v10.12's macOS version is. Remember, this site might not be always online, it appears on-and-off so that I don't waste my bandwidth time so much.
4.13.22 note: I prove myself wrong here; it's always online the site, because I could access it on another computer while the computer I host it in is offline. At this time, I also made a YouTube channel I currently call "xmmcv's Minus Countdown"**, the one with a logo that says "xnmcv Home Video", a few days after my youngest brother starting working at a restaurant. He still lives in the same residence as me. About that online point, should I prove myself again?
*:I mean, make it more stylized like the design I have with the normal xnmcv.neocities.org site.
**:Since renamed to "xnmcv".


Started this site using Hiawatha. It's done on my 2020 M1 MacBook (and still is).
5.22.22 note: To quote from my "-" page, I started xnmcv.neocities.org later in July of that year: "This website was created on July 26, 2021 as a Neocities domain. It's lightweight because all the pages and files are of small size and it uses few resources, leaving a low footprint on page-loading speed, plus making it feasible on classic modems including 14.4k, 28.8k, 33.6k, and 56k." I did some changes to the xnmcv.neocities.org/xnmcvNeocities website here and there until I took a break from editing it for 5 months, then in May 2022 I came back to the site and mirrored the whole hiawatha-hosted xnmcvWebsite (or should I say xnmcvHiawatha) into the index page of xnmcvNeocities. Also, I actually wrote the 7.3.21 entry on 3.20.22, even though I actually started xnmcvWebsite/xnmcvHiawatha on 7.3.21 with a stock hiawatha page with the word "Congradulations!".