sclpt Page for downloadable files (created along with rest of site) -/hyphen Misc(elleany) /variety /etc. (created along with rest of site) 404/not_found Missing html link error page (created along with rest of site) 792 weird (initially written 10.7.21) | ||||
This .jpg/.jpeg file you see here is a compressed image, because xnmcv compresses files. The image (named iu2.jpg) is of a '90s warehouse rave photo and the outlined green box in the center going "xnmcv:pure-hearted soul", plus the word "enjoy" is in the monochrome warehouse rave pic left to the box, meaning that the message in the middle of this .jpg image is "enjoy xnmcv:pure-hearted soul". Try out the Guesser!: English alphabet: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 256-color palette: | ||||